Post Office Box 828
710 Main Street
Hardeeville, South Carolina 29927

Our Ministries

Praise & Worship
Our Pastor and members of the Clergy Staff consider “Preaching” as another mode of teaching. We are however, not shy about our “Praise” and offer no apologies for allowing members the freedom to express themselves. Our worship experience includes honoring God and our heritage, inspiring believers and making “Disciples” for Christ. The focus is on establishing both a personal and communal relationship with God. A blend of traditional and contemporary, our services reflect the past, the present and the future of the Church. We welcome the Spirit of the “living God” and celebrate creativity.
Taking it to the Streets
“From clothing and food give-aways, to projects and programs designed to enhance the quality of life for the most vulnerable of our population, we are driven by the desire to “serve.” The Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) along with the Committee on Evangelism and the Young People’s Dept. (YPD) are at the forefront of finding new and creative ways of reaching beyond the walls of the Church to do ministry WHERE IT IS MOST NEEDED. From our perspective, the possibilities to demonstrate the love of Christ through acts of love and compassion are endless.
The Next Generation
A ministry of fun, fellowship and faith. aimed at encouraging and expanding the roles as of our youth as the leaders of tomorrow. Our Young People’s Department (YPD) & Young Adult Ministries YAM) provides a variety of opportunities for youth involvement. Summer kickball, Movie Nights, Concerts on the Church Lawn, Friday Night Live Special Presentations, Creative Arts such as the Dance Ministry, the St. Stephen Drum Corp, The Johnson Praise Singers (Pre-K thru Elementary), the T.E. McClary Combined Choir (pre-teens on up), are just a few of our offerings. On any given Sunday you will find our youth and young adults where they should be, leading our congregation in praise and worship!
Health Ministry
Community education forums that focus on major issues which adversely impact the congregation and the communities we serve including Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Diabetes, Mental Health and violence prevention. These are among the many concerns our Health Ministry addresses. On-site “Free” Mobile Health screenings open to the public, Health fairs, gatherings where organizations, non-profits and cross sections of the entire community come together to discuss and to inform, are integral to St. Stephen’s efforts to create a “holistic” approach to ministry.
Our facilities are available and are frequently used by sororities, clubs and other civic groups desiring to assist with meeting the needs of the people. At St. Stephen, we believe in ministering to mind, body and soul.
Christian Education - “The Learning University”
“Church School” as well as “The Word Study” (Bible Study) and seasonal Vacation Bible School for every age group. Additional programming aimed at increasing the Believer’s knowledge of God through Biblical teaching and educational resources that are relevant to today’s audience is the goal. Our desire is to strengthen and deepen your faith by giving you the necessary tools for “abundant” living. But that’s not all! On every level whether it is in the form of a local, state-wide, national or international conference, as a “Connectional Church” you will be given the opportunity to hear from world-renowned Speakers representing denominations from across the country and the world. No demographic is excluded from the mix. The learning process is open to everyone.